Tolerance: Defined by Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary 10th Edition as "a sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own." That's worthy of another read: "A sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own."
The impetus for my blog this evening is the hullabaloo surrounding Duck Dynasty pop culture icon Phil Robertson. Let me go on record here as saying I've watched exactly half of one episode of this show when my brother forced the family to do so during the holidays last year. Please be "tolerant" of my opinion, but I found it to be one of the dumbest shows I've ever seen. Thus, due to my limited exposure to the show itself, I am by no means an expert on Robertson, his family, nor his "dynasty." And honestly, his recent comments in GQ would have probably gone unnoticed by me, if not for mass (tv, newspapers, etc...) and social (FB, Twitter, etc...) media. Sick of hearing about this story via the aforementioned markets, I finally decided to read the actual article itself in order to form a more educated opinion. If you too are guilty of having formed an opinion based on snippets of the interview, click on to read the controversy causing composition in its entirety. After reading the article, I can see why Robertson ruffled a few feathers and could be considered a quack. (Look, you know I had to fit that pun in here somehow).
But I want to duck this issue now (okay, I'll stop), and address what I perceive to be the true heart of the matter. Like so many before him, as well as the plethora that will follow, Robertson made comments based on his personal "beliefs or practices" and the flood gates were opened. See apparently, he had no right to publicly voice his opinion. It's not to be "tolerated" - - - just ask A&E and the millions of others for whom his views "differ from their own [sic]." A&E took an intolerant approach to Robertson's remarks and has "suspended" him. (Please note the use of the word "suspended." Already circling the rumor mill is that the Dynasty Patriarch will be back on the show in mid-January. Great financial windfall all of this is for that network, huh?)
Now, in the mean time, while this side is not going to "tolerate" these types of comments, the other side evidently is supposed to "tolerate" Robertson being called a "redneck wingnut" by politicians, and a "bigot" by others. I ask you, why is the former acceptable and the latter is not? And this mindset is not limited to this current headline. Any time someone speaks against another's personal belief, fingers start pointing and words start flying. "You can't say this! You can't think that! My way is the only way!" Sound familiar? We see (and hear) it on political and social issues all the time. Every - single - time a person makes a comment or takes an action that is not cohesive with that of another individual or group, a line is drawn in the sand, and the chasm between the factions grows wider and wider causing us as a society and culture to grow farther and farther apart.
Think about it like this. Even in the closest of families and the strongest of friendships, we don't always agree with each other's values and opinions. When this happens, sometimes we stay quiet; sometimes we speak up. A kinda of "know when to hold 'em, know when to show 'em" mentality. What happens when one side always does all the talking, and the other side keeps their mouth shut for fear of offending the other one? Ultimately, the toxicity that evolves leads to the complete degradation of what was once a strong relationship.
Personally, I'm tired of feeling I will be condemned for expressing my opinions and/or beliefs. I was taught and raised to stand firm in what I believe. But I was also taught and raised to respect the differences, (opinions included), of others. I want people to show me that same tolerance. No way do I agree with everything I see others around me do, but I still love them as human beings. I want people to show me that same tolerance.We are ALL God's children. I want people to show me that same tolerance. It is not for me to judge or put someone on trial (I think of the most famous trial in the Bible and we know how that turned out) because their "beliefs and practices are different or conflict with my own [sic]." I want people to show me that same tolerance.
I want us to be tolerant of one and other.
Very well said!