Avocado Green and Harvest Gold accented with ORANGE I might add. That began my "hate affair" with the color orange. My trendy parents decided to paint each room of the house a different color: the den - orange, (I still don't understand that one since my father's an OU fan), my brother's room - blue, and my and my sister's room - yellow. I wanted mint green with light blue accents, but no, my parents chose harvest gold and avocado green accented with orange. We had these horrendous floral and plaid bedspreads sporting those dazzling colors and if that wasn't enough, my mom bought my sister and I matching nightgowns and robes. And when I say matching, I don't just mean "matching" in terms of each other. I mean "matching" as in "with the bedspreads!" Then to add insult to injury, we had to pose to have pictures taken. I cried my eyes out.

And I've never gotten over this. I refuse to purchase anything yellow - ever, and I want to vomit every time I see anything orange. Any shade or color combination involving orange sets my nausea into motion. Light, dark, bright, dull --- bring me a barf bag. Mixed with green or blue or purple --- all I can do is ask "Why?" Hell, I don't even like oranges, the fruit. You have to peel them and then those slimy little vein things get stuck in your teeth. Nasty!
So see, this isn't just a football thing. Granted, why you'd put orange with black unless it is part of a Halloween costume is beyond me. And burnt orange resembling Gerber's strained apricots is just completely classless. But when it comes to orange I'm equally prejudice on all fronts. I hate them all!